Clearwater Beach

One of the first adventures we went on when we moved to Tampa was exploring Clearwater beach. We took a relatively short, Thirty minute bus ride at 9 am in the morning. As soon as we got there, we ran off the bus, down the beach and threw our two mexican blankets on sand. Ripping our clothes off we jumped onto the blanket and under the rays of the sun. The sand was a pure deep white, it was smooth, soft and felt almost like clay beneath our feet. The beach sat on the Gulf of Mexico serving as the perfect relaxing view. We swam in the gentle ocean for hours and hours. The water was the saltiest water I have ever been in, similar to most Florida waters. The waves were tiny, almost non existent and rocked us as we lay floating on the surface. As we swam out we discovered a sand bar a ways out from the shore. Feeling with our toes, we found a bunch of sand dollars that served as the perfect souvenir from the trip! We loved Clearwater beach and hope to return hopefully someday soon! The trip overall costed 5$ in bus fare driving us to and from Tampa and Clearwater Beach, definitely worth a visit if you ever find yourself in the Tampa Bay area!

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